Well were do i start
So mutch to say. well first off i don't give a fuck about warlocks.
I'm mage and officer of that so thats my focus, so stop the crap about the warlocks.
I don't know what your talking about dragonbreath but how are you goint to use that in a RAID.
so not trashmobs nor heroics. Like you are standing in front of gruul and use dreagonbreath :S.
yeah right so don't waist your points on that one.
About the mana efficiency mages have the easiest class to keep that in track.
Frost have loads of mana because of arcane interlect and fire have to slow there dps because of threat.
Mages also have evocation and mana embrals witch you have to use correctly. (use low rank mana embral when your 1.5k down your mana)
then use the one witch is needed when cd is off. then you allso can use pots so that shouldn't be a problem.
so now lets talk about your builds you linked.
First frost build:
Spray impotriva ejacularii precoceFrostbite?? 3 waisted points. why would you want to slow gruul down :S...
improved frost nova?? 2 waisted points. you can't frost gruul (nor other bosses)
Shatter?? 5 waisted points. first of all you can't freez a boss so the shatter bonus won't proc anyway.
improved cone of cold?? 3 waisted points. you ain't standing infront of gruul (nor other bosses)
and cone of cold. first of all you'll probably die doing it. 2nd of all cone of cold ain't mana efficient @ all.
ice floes?? 2 waisted points. you won't use coldsnap nor the other spells twice anyway in the near futher.
Because of all there points witch are a waist for PvE RAIDING it isn't worth trying to go for the water elemental.
So i think i made my point clear that the build you linked is crap. At least for raiding it is.
Second the fire build: http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=kf0EZtgG0fcc0eRt.It
impact?? 1 waisted point. you can't stun a boss.
flame trowing discusable i don't think you need the extra 6 yards sinds other classes don't either. again 2 points.
Improved fire blast?? 3 points waisted. you don't wanna use fire blast because it's not mana efficient so you don't
want to use it nor boost it.
molten fury?? 2 waisted points. they only are active when a boss is low hp. so 80% of the fight your a lvl 68
because you don't use the 2 points.
Dragon breath?? well i allready explained.
Again i think i have proven my point about your build.
Plz try to think of the builds like i just explained here above.
Going far in the fire tree is worth a try. i used it but it appears that 33/28 does allot more damage
because of the bigger crits more crits and more mana efficiency int he build.
O, Elektra don't take this all personal.
I'm talking global. i wasn't satisfied about all mages including myself.
We need to use one of these 2 builds to do damage.
About the gear. spellcloth you should ask for cooldowns.
Ettemu polter albaya all are spellcloth tailors. ask them for there cooldowns as well. (2 for 1 time mats)
Then if you want also the normal once, well ask the warlock's priests etc for there spellcloth cd as well.
have to eat
. hf replyng this post.