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 on: July 10, 2007, 11:41:48 am 
Started by Daehauq - Last post by Daikyu
If some enchant Drop , rare , send it to Daehauq Cheesy

 on: July 10, 2007, 11:39:50 am 
Started by Daikyu - Last post by Daikyu

Ã…I recomend BM spec in raids , espesialy get the pet i have atm , doing huge amount of dmg Cheesy

 on: July 10, 2007, 11:37:42 am 
Started by Jockstrap - Last post by Daikyu

Im the one who is Ingoring U,
ill remove the ignore ingame , so u can speak with me 


Daikyu Hunter Officer Dux Bellorum

 on: July 10, 2007, 11:35:55 am 
Started by Crox - Last post by Daikyu
Thx For applying, We will replay to your application within 7 days    Cheesy

Daikyu Hunter Officer Dux Bellorum

 on: July 10, 2007, 11:34:24 am 
Started by Hoffano - Last post by Daikyu
Thx For applying, We will replay to your application within 7 days  Roll Eyes

Daikyu Hunter Officer Dux Bellorum

 on: July 10, 2007, 11:27:59 am 
Started by Daikyu - Last post by Thorment
i kinda preffer the BM spec or mabe MM
dont like survival tree Tongue

and my opinnion is that bm hunters r more equilibrated and do more dmg in long fights 

 on: July 10, 2007, 10:15:33 am 
Started by pyrosmancer - Last post by pyrosmancer
the most important thing for me is the raid interface wich i don't see on this screenshot.
Plus i think i have way to less buttons on your UI Cheesy.

 on: July 10, 2007, 04:58:41 am 
Started by Hoffano - Last post by Hoffano

1. Ingame Name: Hoffano
2. Class/lvl: 70 warrior
3. Professions: 375 mining/365 BS , rarecrafts : runic hammer
4. Age: 18
5. Country: Sweden
6. Previous guild and reason for leaving it: not sure if I can spell it correct, but "equilibrize" kinda, I left cuz they were too immature.. and I just couldn't stand it.
7. Anyone in DuxBellorum that can vouch for you? I'm afraid not :/
8. What is your main focus in the game - PvE or PvP? Well I like a little bit of both but mainly PvE
9. What hours/time of day do you usually play (server time)? Depends, I've got a girlfriend so many things in my life depends on her.. , I guess it's usually(not during summer holidays) around 8 am-12 am, and then ofc later on at the evening, around 6 pm-12 pm (if not further can keep on til 5 sometimes)
10. What can DuxBellorum expect from you, and what do you expect from DuxBellorum?
11. Did you read the guild rules and accept the requirements and conditions described with in them? Yes indeed.

12. (not needed I know) Previous raid experience in karazhan  (up til netherspite ) didnt down him/her thou.
Previous I've played as PvE dps specced , However if you want me as prot(as I believe you do) I will happily specc prot.

That's everything from me, enjoy you'r evening / Hoff

 on: July 10, 2007, 02:10:41 am 
Started by Canthar - Last post by Poltergeist
Smiley Hello Tanks

I have to admitt, my view on tanks and gearing has always been stamina+armour. While our beloved MT like Def rating.
I happened stumble over this article. Lets debate this topic Smiley

The Great Debate
So, what to do? We've had a lot of heated debate on this subject on the forums, and I think a lot of misunderstanding of positions on both sides. I believe the problem we are seeing in these discussions is one of extremes. Nobody is advocating stacking avoidance or mitigation to the exclusion of the other. You can't function without both; you can't not have both! 490 defense and 5/5 deflection guarantees that you'll have over 30% dodge/parry/miss. With basic heroic/5man gear and no gems or enchants, you're sitting at something like 11k health, 12k armour, and probably 35% avoidance. If you have Karazhan gear, again without gems or enchants, maybe 12k/13k/38%. This is your starting point.

What I (and many others) am saying is that once you're there, you have enough avoidance. There is no need to go out of your way to get more. It's time to focus on armour and stamina. The differential in avoidance between straight 490D and 40 extra dodge rating, and 505D and 80 extra dodge rating is about 4%. 1 time in 25, you will get a timely avoid to extend your shield block that you wouldn't have otherwise gotten. 4% higher chance to avoid something that you would not have otherwise. This is not a huge difference here, the difference is not 0-26% dodge. It's 22-26%. If you stack more avoidance than that, you maybe make it 8%, or one in 12 on shield block. But it's still a random variable. And you keep your health lower because of it.

The experience that a majority of people are drawing on is Karazhan and heroics. In these places, your healers can use reactive healing for 99% of the content. This means that if you dodge an attack, they don't need to heal just yet. If you dodge 3 in a row, great! Mana efficiency increases with your avoidance, and that's great since the number of healers is limited. So far as most people can see this makes avoidance very desirable, and in this context it is. If your tanking game is Karazhan and Heroics then avoidance is your friend (though Nightbane is a good fight for high stamina/armour due to his hard hits).

However, because of the game mechanics, Stamina and armour is the only real choice - when you're looking past Karazhan. Why? Because of healing and rage.

Most people don't look at the bigger picture of the raid's mechanics. Let's move into Gruul's Lair now. High King Maulgar hits like a truck in autoattack, and adds three special attacks into the mix (your healers consider the Whirlwind that pulses for 6000-ish damage each to be time for a breather here.) Gruul starts out hitting hard, and only gets harder as the Grows stack. Reactive healing is no longer an option now. If healers try to heal in reaction to the damage the tank takes, or doesn't take, then the tank is going to die. It really is as simple as that. The healers must be healing in anticipation of the damage coming in, in terms of keeping average healing per second higher than average damage per second. There is no break, and no point where you are not healing. You can interrupt a heal sometimes when the tank suddenly pops to full, but even that is a gamble against what the next hits are going to be. At this point, excess avoidance is a wasted thing, because all it means is that you got overhealed. Avoidance does not increase your healers' mana efficiency here. They are almost always casting those heals regardless of whether you avoid or not. If they don't, you die. This only gets more and more true as you move past Gruul to Magtheridon (10k cleaves and 7k normal hits!) and beyond.

This is where stamina and armour stacking come in. We've all read armour-stamina equivalence by now. Ciderhelm made it a hot topic on the warrior forums not long ago, it's been on this site since day one, and to be perfectly candid this is how it has always been even in BWL and Naxx before the xpac - this is nothing new. In this situation, your armour and health create a consistent damage stream that is far less subject to spikes and dips. This has three effects:

When the burst damage comes, avoidance leaves it to chance whether you will dodge one and be okay. Combined high stamina and mitigation makes it a constant to absorb the damage and leave enough time for the heals to come. Every extra hitpoint and every bit more mitigation combines and amplifies to make you that much harder to kill, and does it in a consistent fashion. There are fewer streaks where nothing happens to your health at all, and fewer streaks where you go down super fast. Everything is steady and predictable. There is enough time to heal, and you win.

Then there is rage. Avoidance means less rage. Less rage means less threat generated, and more conservation needed to do everything you need to do, like put shield block up. Less threat means longer fights, and the chance of someone pulling aggro is that bit higher. Less rage can mean you sit there hoping that you take a hit after the fourth dodge, so that you have enough rage to put shield block up! It's a trite old saying, but it is true: if you can't spend all your rage, even on a raid boss, you are doing something wrong. Avoidance limits your performance. This is my personal number one reason for disliking avoidance. I'm always looking for rage. If you're sitting there thinking "I always have enough rage, and I never lose aggro". I invite you to go find a well geared DPS and have them light it up to 1000+ threat per second while you're tanking. You need to understand how much they hold back normally. To be fair, on some fights this is not as much of an issue, but on others it's painfully evident.

If by adding armour and health you can make that damage stream consistent enough, lower the magnitude of the incoming damage per second, and increase your overall time to live from full to zero, then your heal team can start to use more long cast heals and fewer short cast heals. Not to mention that bigger health pool makes overheals that much less likely. This is what creates mana efficiency. This is the least of the effects since healer mana isn't usually an issue anyway, but given the changes constantly coming it may become more important (and it may free a healer to do something else anyway.)

The key concept here is this: You aren't trying to take less damage; you are trying to increase the amount of damage you can take. Once you wrap your head around that, it all makes sense. This is why you don't care so much about avoidance in the context of the 25 man raid boss, which is a much different game than Karazhan. If you're tanking Karazhan and heroics, knock yourself out with avoidance. However, it's a safe bet to say that the further into the endgame you go, you will ultimately find you want to choose gear with the best combination of high armour and high stamina. Get battlescar instead of elusion (and get some avoidance anyway!) Use maiden gloves. Socket with Solid Star of Elune (don't be cheap, it's imaginary money in a video game!) and enchant for stamina. Take an increase in the constant buffer instead of a reduction of the random. You'll have plenty of avoidance. Add to that the extra armour and health, and it makes your healers' lives less stressful.

 on: July 10, 2007, 12:50:04 am 
Started by Nightglade - Last post by Nightglade
Edit: Linked wrong page for Hybrid spec, will fix it later

This section has been empty for far too long. So I have decided to make a post regarding druid spec - which I have alot of experience in. (around 2000 gold spent in total on respec since level 60)

This is the spec I have most experience with as I have played it the longest. There is two type of restoration specs you can have here.

The soloing resto
Lampa uv unghii

This spec allows for you to do perfect healing with the exception of subtlety (threat reduction) which you SHOULD have once you progress into SSC and beyond. for kara, gruul/maggy you wont generate enough threat to overaggro unless you spam the hell out of regrowth in which case your playing wrong. It also gives you points in balance, for defensive capability (Natures grasp) (Control of nature), and an additional offensive spell (Insect swarm) because we all know how difficult it is to solo as a resto druid... lets face it, its not easy.

The raider resto
full resto.. what more can I say, if you choose this spec dont expect to be able to solo easily - this is a raid only spec.

Many people underestimate the power of the hybrid druid. Saying that without end talents its useless. not true, not true at all.
For raiding, hybrid druids are much more versatile. (This is excluding feral druids, because they have one set gear... they DPS or they tank, they arent efficient at healing or spell DPS)
However... Hybrids are not the best spec for raiding, although they are perfect for soloing and very versatile in raiding you should consider speccing into one particular build.

The balance / resto solo versatile spec

This is a perfect, perfect solo build for a druid. As you can see you have dreamstate (mana equal to 10% of int, regenned eveyr 5 sec while casting) lunar guidance 3/3. and intensity 3/3. As you may notice in the resto tree there is not alot of focus on HoT's (lack of imp regrowth and only 2/3 of imp rejuv) this is because, as not a full healer you will not have tree of life. and without tree of life your HoT spells will be inefficient and will only be used in sticky situations where you may need a little bit of hp/s on target till you can get a healing touch off. And in the balance tree you can see that we have most of the spell damage talents and the offensive insect swarm and of course moonkin form.

Feral druid
I hope that maybe daehauq or Akhtar will post something here. I'm not too experienced with feral, never really like the spec that much.
However if I had to choose a spec that focused on tanking, and not *so* much on PVP/DPS I would choose this one:
Furor, Natural shapeshifter and omen of clarity is a MUST for feral druids, simply put. Other then that as I said I hope the other druids will contribute more to the feral side of things =)

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