1. Ingame Name: Onbeatable
2. Class/lvl: mage, 70
3. Professions: tailoring: making spellfire set, herbalism: round 300, still going to get that skilled
4. Age: 13
5. Country: the Netherlands
6. Previous guild and reason for leaving it: We Die A Lot, the guild is falling apart, etc. (note: I did not leave yet)
7. Anyone in DuxBellorum that can vouch for you? Yea, the druid in raid 2: Mushroom:>
8. What is your main focus in the game - PvE or PvP? PvE
9. What hours/time of day do you usually play (server time)? vacation between: 2.5-5, school time, between 1.5-2
10. What can DuxBellorum expect from you, and what do you expect from DuxBellorum? Dux Bellorum can expect loads of fun with me, maybe maybe some raiding, the computer I'm on now is not the best, though im collecting new one , will get that one in October, I'm expecting from Dux: not alot: fun:>
11. Did you read the guild rules and accept the requirements and conditions described with in them?
No, I must be honest, I've just clicked on the accept button, I'll read rightaway after I post this application. edit: now I've read them.
P.S. you guys wanted an armory link from me:
Pensule pictura unghii note: this is just 1 day before I get my spellfire set, Spellcloth is on CD.
some additional notes:
I've been lvl 70 since a week now, and my main goal at the moment is improving my gear all the time, but keep in mind that I'm not greedy, and I won't care if I won't get the item I wanted to get.
Hope you guys can do something with this..